Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pokemon Deluge How To Catch Shiny Pokemons

Already eight months and a half.

The scenario seemed to be finally writing the great scene of chimney sweeps dancing freely between the chimney pots on the ocher gray zinc roofs could finally be turned ...

And then the accident. April 27, hoped the happy event has been a coup, which fear the worst. This should be a routine visit after diagnosis positive, 13 January, and voila: the consultation meeting has uncovered a series of programmed delays.

That of Monday, October 5 she gives birth prematurely to a stillborn?

This date is the last chance we allow our authors to drama to decide the end. The rest will be made direct action and legal action, and neither the one nor the other will be announced in this blog. The residents concerned are ready, others will find easy ways to support us if they wish, by leaving their contact information or reacting to news that we posted locally.

Here is the letter we sent today to Anne Hidalgo, 1st Deputy Mayor of Paris and president of the Consultation Committee. While waiting to judge his position on parts next Monday, I want to express a final word of thanks to the mayor of the 20th, Frédérique Calandra and his team for the consideration of our situation and efforts to find a solution.

Letter to Anne Hidalgo

a forthcoming meeting of the Consultation Committee Monday, October 5, we definitely want to remind you of our case (the base station hub of Orange Olivier Metra - Pixérécourt in the twentieth arrondissement).

Not knowing what exactly is your level of knowledge of a file opened for over 3 years, we would expose you to a brief history:

Measurements in 2006 showed a significant overshoot of the maximum authorized by Charter (measure Apave, ANFR 9132), following these steps, Orange cut emissions in the direction of the flats ... and restores them a few weeks later in the utmost discretion.

Measurements June 20, 2007 by another independent firm (Emitech) in three apartments at 30 rue
Pixérécourt show maximum field over 10 V / m (ANFR) and
exceeding the values of the Charter of Paris on the three apartments.

These measures, although transmitted to time by the laboratory (which we tested), were
retained by the town hall, and Mr. Contassot has even denied that the meeting of June 22, 2007.
We received in July through Priartém, the information in accordance with the provisions of the charter
the dismantling of the antennas had been officially asked the operator: it seems
it was a Information erroneous.

meetings were held at the Town Hall in October 2007, during which Orange would have haggled
the removal of a single bay GSM 900 - service being phased out by operators. A quick calculation (confirmed later) showed that in this case, the exposure of some apartments remained above the limits of the charter.

November 30, 2007, Orange effectively removes a bay ... And two new installs. The measurements taken daily by us using multiple devices (not professional) show no significant weakening of the field: then we ask for official action, in anticipation of a new meeting.

December 28, 2007, 30 rue Pixérécourt always, another firm action plan (Emitech measures) is a maximum of 12.2 V / m (13,020 ANFR), or 2.56 V / m (charter), almost entirely in the band 1800.

At the meeting of 9 January, Mr Contassot amazes associations in challenging the legality of the measure
, the representative of Orange took advantage immediately to deny outright the possibility of such
field under installation.

Faced with growing evidence a lack of political will on the team in place first, and the absolute bad faith
Orange on the other hand, ras-le-bol of residents expressed: banners, television
(reports to JT France 2, 3 January 2008, to "not touch my planet" Direct 8
on February 2, 2008, to "C in the air" by Yves Calvi France 5 May 8), publishing a folder on the site
Next-Up ...

The presence of these antennas in the middle of residential property, in light of recent studies
, is more than scandalous. A child's room is located within 10 meters and
same height, a sunken crib about twenty feet, and apartments on all sides,
the same level!

At the January 2009 meeting chaired by you, you would have strongly demanded the dismantling of this site offender for over 2 years with the commitments of the charter. This information was relayed and disseminated in many media.

At the next consultation meeting, or April 27, 2009, multiple concessions in practice postpone an improbable dismantling several years, making obsolete the made your original decision. If the charter

Paris continues to be followed when its maximum limits are exceeded under strict procedures, in fact, it no longer exists. How in these circumstances can you claim to continue to chair the coordination committee that provides commission already reduced to its simplest expression?

This charter, by the artifice of an average false - the latter term is technically demonstrable - cache already bordering the true values of their exposure to electromagnetic fields. Its purpose would it be that of reassurance, and enable you to make political capital by claiming to respect the precautionary principle?

In the absence of a firm political decision and ultimately from you at the next consultation meeting, we will be forced to make a case for legal action against the City of Paris and operators for failure serious commitments.

Please accept, Madam, the assurances of our distinguished sentiments.


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