Sunday, November 4, 2007

Can Mopeds Go On The Pali Highway

Orange : Lies and empty promises

we reported in the previous post, a promise made at the Orange meeting on October 11, in which he pledged to immediately disable and remove within 10 days, a bay 900 MHz.

We made the calculations (simple enough), we showed that even assuming that all the broadcasts in this frequency was abolished (very optimistic scenario, which went beyond the commitment of the operator as was reported to us), our exposure remained above the limit value of the charter, contrary to the assertion to the contrary that had been made to elected officials and associations during this meeting.

And it only took a fortnight to wait for the evidence of bad faith Orange appears even more clearly: all bays are there, and their emissions have not changed! (daily measurements for 15 days using a crude device, but that proved reliable with respect to official measures).

The operator then openly mocks his "speech" given before representatives of the Mayor of Paris.

Does the charter still make sense? We'll call Mr. Contassot to know how he intends to take. As for us, we will probably move to forms of action much more visible if we want to stop this aggression once and for all.


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