Friday, November 30, 2007

Kitchen Floor Color Depending On Furniture

Scottish shower

Reminder ...

You remember the proposal made by Orange to cut a bay 900 MHz bargaining demand removal which had been notified in July by the city ... Noting

our side field levels quite similar to what we had always measured, but in the technical inability to identify the frequencies separately, we expressed our doubts, mid-October, about the reality cutoff of 900 MHz: Stakeholders of the Paris city hall and the twentieth told us that to their knowledge, issue 900 was actually cut.

Suppose this is the case (untested assumption so far): It was already surprising that counsel for Mr. Contassot did not understand immediately that this could not possibly remove the violations, and the calculations that we performed the show on the chart published on the post of October 18.

And anyway, we see how naive we were! Most phones today are at least dual-band communications that previously passed by the 900 now goes through the 1800 (which, incidentally, more channels per antenna) and that's it! Result: a very slight theoretical best (no way to tag 900, and calculation chart a bit more favorable to the operator?), But far below the difference shown by our graphics! What

ourselves, who are not specialists in this technology, we should not spontaneously able to provide the assumed level of reduction of the magnetic field induced by an interruption of 900 MHz emission, it is understandable. But from those who are supposed to know the subject - and when we understand that there will ultimately virtually no change - is appalling. I just

new, good and bad, and it will laugh occupancy Orange
Good: A bay has been removed.
The bad: the two bays were replaced.

You read ... And also here are the pictures, taken this 30th November:

The dismantling of the former Bay (cabinet):

And the two new climbs:

can Assuming that this extra power is there to be used.

Orange and openly mocked and completely of the charter, residents, associations and more generally all those involved in this case.

Despite its flaws, its shortcomings, mistakes, the Paris Charter, promoted by Mr. Contassot is currently the only reference that gives us a hope of dismantling the site - apart from legal action (more and more lawsuits are filed and won by victims or residents), or other actions more visible.

A parenthesis ... I'm always surprised the soothing rhetoric of officials, elected or technicians involved in this case, at the 1.5% (as defined in the Charter of Paris) of citizens against the masts as we like:
" there is no demonstrated health risk etc. ..."
Well no, we can not say that. According to recent publications, the positions of Europe for an urgent review of declining official standards, appeals to the increasingly urgent for scientists, and the trial of the victims, saying it is simply a lie! Or an act of collaboration ... committed by interest, ignorance, laziness (there are copy-paste journalism heartbreaking), or worse, by some, the feeling that minorities must be sacrifice some benefits for a majority without constraint of progress (or what they present as such). We do not make an omelette without breaking eggs, is not it?

Well, I quit my digressions ... And I finish the news of the day, stating that we have informed in real-time associations, who immediately warned Mr. Contassot Orange response to his request.

And hopefully it will not let this affront.


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