Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Kiss By Joby Talbotpiano Sheet

interview with AS

Hey, So Flo spent his interview, that's it!! He seems to have gone well, it's nice!

The interview lasted 1:30, an hour less than me! But it had taken much later by appointment, and the social worker seemed to want to go home LOL!

She has significantly raised the same issues as me. Except those related to his job. As he does a job like hers against people he saw (it is physio), she a little more about his relationships with people, how they work etc etc ...

course he had questions related to my birth nightmare! The after childbirth as well.

voilou Finally, it is relaxed out of the interview, it seems, and I quote "be well assured!" ...

To be continued, we expect his report, then we spent together the last interview before closing this step. It is time that the psychiatrist wakes up, so we expect from him!

Hugs and soon hopefully!



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